A seed begets a tree which begets a fruit which contains a seed. This is the cycle of a Living System.
“We are moving from unconscious evolution through natural selection to conscious evolution by choice"
–Barbara Marx Hubbard
A seed begets a tree which begets a fruit which contains a seed. This is the cycle of a Living System.
“We are moving from unconscious evolution through natural selection to conscious evolution by choice."
–Barbara Marx Hubbard
What would the world look like if we built human social structures the way nature builds eco-systems? Organized around sovereign principles rooted in boldness, audacity and love.
The Real Meta Crisis
It is time we recognize that we humans are the cause of the imbalance in our natural systems, and when separated from human intervention, nature builds stable, thriving eco-systems self-organizing blueprints.
What if we took off our shoes and planted our feet in the fertility of this moment. Applying our human ingenuity to expound upon this miraculous system. Holding the intent of making this earth the heaven it can be!
Rooted in Core Values.

It is time we recognize that we humans are the cause of the imbalance in our natural systems, and when separated from human intervention, nature builds stable, thriving eco-systems self-organizing blueprints.
What if we took off our shoes and planted our feet in the fertility of this moment. Applying our human ingenuity to expound upon this miraculous system. Holding the intent of making this earth the heaven it can be!
Rooted in Core Values.